Welcome to PossAbilities
Providing Choices for People with Disabilities
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- 11LGBTQ+ Support Group5:00 PM - 6:00 PMThis group is for anyone in the community who identifies as having a disability and as LGBTQ+. This group provides a supportive space for people to connect and share similar life experiences and struggles. The group is run by two PossAbilities employees, both of whom identify as LGBTQ+. There is no cost to attend, but , ...
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- 21Skills Class: Start Learning American Sign Language5:00 PM - 6:00 PMPossAbilities is offering an American Sign Language class for beginners in partnership with Jane Platske, an ASL teacher. The class will demonstrate some common, basic signs that can be used. The class is designed for people who identify as having a disability. There is no age limit. Date: Friday, February 21st Time: 5 , ...
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- 27LGBTQ+ Support Group5:00 PM - 6:00 PMThis group is for anyone in the community who identifies as having a disability and as LGBTQ+. This group provides a supportive space for people to connect and share similar life experiences and struggles. The group is run by two PossAbilities employees, both of whom identify as LGBTQ+. There is no cost to attend, but , ...
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